bioluigi.tasks package


bioluigi.tasks.bcftools module

bioluigi.tasks.cutadapt module

bioluigi.tasks.fastqc module

bioluigi.tasks.gatk module

bioluigi.tasks.multiqc module

bioluigi.tasks.rsem module

bioluigi.tasks.samtools module

class bioluigi.tasks.samtools.IndexBam(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExternalProgramTask

bam_file = Parameter

The output that this Task produces.

The output of the Task determines if the Task needs to be run–the task is considered finished iff the outputs all exist. Subclasses should override this method to return a single Target or a list of Target instances.

Implementation note

If running multiple workers, the output must be a resource that is accessible by all workers, such as a DFS or database. Otherwise, workers might compute the same output since they don’t see the work done by other workers.

See Task.output


Override this method to map your task parameters to the program arguments


list to pass as args to subprocess.Popen

bioluigi.tasks.sratoolkit module module

bioluigi.tasks.utils module

Collection of utilities and mixins for tasks

class bioluigi.tasks.utils.CreateTaskOutputDirectoriesBeforeRunMixin[source]

Bases: object

Ensures that output directories exist before running the task.

class bioluigi.tasks.utils.DynamicTaskWithOutputMixin[source]

Bases: object

Extends a task to forward its dynamic dependencies as output.

class bioluigi.tasks.utils.DynamicWrapperTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Task

Similar to luigi.task.WrapperTask but for dynamic dependencies yielded in the body of the run() method.


If the task has any outputs, return True if all outputs exist. Otherwise, return False.

However, you may freely override this method with custom logic.

class bioluigi.tasks.utils.RemoveTaskOutputOnFailureMixin[source]

Bases: object

Remove a task outputs on failure.

This only applies for output that have a defined ‘remove’ method.

class bioluigi.tasks.utils.TaskWithMetadataMixin[source]

Bases: object

Mixin that adds an insignificant metadata parameter to a task.

metadata = Insignificant DictParameter (defaults to {})
class bioluigi.tasks.utils.TaskWithOutputMixin[source]

Bases: object

Extends a luigi.WrapperTask to forward its dependencies as output.


bioluigi.tasks.vep module

Module contents